I was taught that in order for your gift to flourish you have to be planted in the right place and aligned with the right people. Otherwise that gift will die because you're putting good seed in bad soil in an atmosphere that is not conducive to its growth. The only thing is that where man thinks you should be and the place God has actually prepared for you may be two very different places ...
When I made the choice to move to Houston just under a year ago I had a lot of people "side eye" my decision. People whose support meant everything to me. People who wished me well to my face but wished me failure behind my back. And to be honest I almost didn't go. Going from the familiar to the unknown is a very uncomfortable position to be in, but I kept hearing the words "God didn't call you to be comfortable, he called you to be brave." So I left and guess what, shit got real... The move was NOT easy. I struggled. I cried. I longed for home, for that safe familiar comfortable place. And that was the issue. My body was in Texas but I left my heart in the Midwest. I was not planted. I was not in my place. It's impossible to walk into your future with one foot still in your past. Therefore I had two options stay stuck or walk in faith. I chose to walk in faith and that's when things started to change. Doors are opening and opportunities are arising for us with our writing and production company. From being accepted into festivals and selected as finalists in screenwriting competitions to people are actually seeking us out asking how they can work with us. And best of all, I am flourishing. So I want to encourage someone today to follow their dreams. You WILL lose people you thought were your friends. People will think you're crazy. They will question your motives and your faith. Now here's the hard part... Don't get upset with those people. Fear and jealousy can bring out the worst in people. Jealousy because you had the courage to fight for your dreams when they did not and fear because they are not sure how they fit into your new reality and sometimes they don't, but so what! Because what God has for you is for YOU! And that desire that won't go away, that thing keeping you up at night... that is your purpose pulling on you saying why are you ignoring me and until you answer that pull you will not have peace. I am going to end this with my favorite bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Until next time, Cherhonda |
AuthorJust a girl finding her way and writing some pretty cool stuff along the journey. Archives
May 2016
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